
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

A Simple Christmas

Christmas 2016 Fireplace Edited
Christmas 2016 is unfolding as simple and uncomplicated, and I am so grateful.
All of the important things are still in place such as family, faith, and good food, but I have eliminated most of the extra.
No multiple trees, no decorations in every room of the house, no shopping- other than well intentioned gift giving.
Looking back this year, I can see lots of reasons why this was inevitable and needed, but I really don’t want to label the ‘why’, unless of course I label it a blessing.
Christmas 2016 Den
Here is an update on what I have done and how this is evolving.
*We are not traveling this Christmas. My husband and I invited our family to visit us whenever they can.
*Our gift giving will be simple and personal.
*I decorated simply which includes everything you see in these photos.
To my friends reading this, yes, you read that correctly, I decorated simply.
I walked out to the garage to get the Christmas crates, decided to give our oldest daughter my flocked tree, I couldn’t reach our other tree, and the crate I could reach was full of red ornaments. Decision made.
*My faux red poinsettias and a simple tabletop tree were within reach, so I grabbed those.
Result? No large tree and I used red- which is my favorite Christmas color.
*I used plaid ribbon from Marshall’s ($5.99 a roll) and I bought a skinny garland at Michael’s for $2.99 to add to the simple mix.
*I added my beloved blue and white , stepped back , realized I could breathe, I was smiling, and I was
Christmas 2016 Mantel
I know I have another Christmas extravaganza in me.
It can happen again.
This is not a bah humbug tale. This is about simplicity and relaxation and laughter.
It is also about feeling comfortable and cozy-
which leads me to the wonderful
Once again, she has gathered a group of bloggers and asked us to share how we feel Cozy at Christmas.
Isn’t that a wonderful thought?
There are 15 bloggers sharing what this looks like this week in their homes.
The schedule and their links are listed below.

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